Lorella Panzano
Whether it was inspiration or serendipity, finding Lorella was definitely my good fortune. I knew if I was serious about improving my Italian it was going to take more than a zillion more Duolingo sessions. I needed a real, live, “in person” tutor! Time to see what Google had to offer…. mmm…Italian tutors in Panzano.
I wasn’t too surprised that the first options were not in Panzano. After all this is a tiny place. Many were in Firenze or other larger towns. The immersion courses in Florence were enticing - for about a minute. I had had enough language tutoring to know that just an hour lesson made my head swim in Italian words and phrases and verb conjugations until I wasnt sure I remembered my own name. I was afraid my 69 year old brain would turn to mush if I immersed myself in a pool of Italian for four or more hours a day for days at a time. Plus, the hour and a half bus ride to and from Florence each day was a deal breaker for me. Whew! I definitely talked mysef out of that option.
As I scrolled through the list I looked for someone who was really in Panzano. And there she was! Lorella Federico based right here in this little village of Panzano!
It took only a brief email exchange to schedule a trial lesson and two days later Lorella rang my doorbell. After just a few minutes with Lorella I knew I had found a treasure. Then as we began talking I realized what a valuable resource she truly was.
Lorella is a gifted and intuitive teacher. She adapts to my questions and requests and always has extensive materials to supplement the lesson. We began with a 30 minute lesson twice a week. The time went so quickly I decided I could handle a little more. Now we meet twice a week, once for an hour, once for 30 minutes. My head still swims but slowly (“piano, piano,” they say) things are falling into place. I understand much more but my conversation is still halting with many pauses for corrections. I spend hours between lessons on homework and practice and repetition of things I knew and forgot! But its fun and I figure its a good a way to stall dementia while I’m at it!
If finding Lorella had only helped me improve my Italian, I would consider myself fortunate. But Lorella is like one of those Russian stacking dolls within a doll. Italian Tutor is what you see sitting on the shelf. Then you realize, “Oh, there’s something else in here!” You find she knows who offers tai chi here in Panzano! Ping! She just sent a message to Sensei Riccardo introducing you! You want a car- she knows someone who rents them and she drives you there. When that doesn’t work she arranges a visit to another car guy and goes into super negotiator mode on your behalf to get a great deal.
“Have you connected with the International Friends Facebook group here, “ she asks.
“Ugh, I didn’t even know there was such a thing.” Another ping and I’m part of the group with an invitaion to meet the group for coffee next Wednesday.
“What are you doing this weekend? Look at these events, “ and she’ll forward two or three messages about an art exhibit or a dance or a food fetival! Lorella’s enthusiastic generosity as a resource and navigator surpasses even her expertise as a teacher. She knows everyone and seemingly everthing that’s happening in the area. Her nickname, “Lorella Panzano” suits her perfectly!