Morning Coffee
Sharing a cup of cappuccino with friends remains one of my cherished, simple pleasures here. Mornings when I head to Greve for an Italian lesson with Lorella, or to meet up with Pam and Chris, and sometimes Avril and Gordon, we usually start at Le Logge.
Now as a friend of “Pamela” (said with heavy accent on the next to last sylable) I am often treated to an artisitic creation whipped up by Fabioloso or BuonGiorgio (nicknames that have stuck).
Each day’s artistry outshines the last. Here is the latest. When I admire each drink that Fabio or Giorgio slides across the counter, I picture the posters I packed away, each with an array of the most intricate and interesting windows and doors and battente (door knockers). Surely a poster of these daily cappuccini confections would be a fitting way to celebrate the creativity of Le Logge’s barristas. Maybe someone will tackle that project! (Wink, wink, Pam!)
Drizzles of chocolate syrup, dusting of cocoa, a shake of crushed pistachios- not only does this look amazing, the extra embellishments enhance the flavor making for the most sublime morning treat!