Another Italian Surpise!
One of my favorite shops here in Panzano is the flower shop. You have to skirt the flats of colorful plants that spill onto the narrow sidewalk as you walk to the bar. The pots of flowers and herbs that hang from the wall lining the walkway literally invite you to “stop and smell the flowers”. It’s my first stop when I want a small thank you gift for some kindness from a neighbor or just something to brighten my terrace. So, of course its where I went to find a little gift for Kate who hosted the International Friends for ice cream this week.
The fioraia, who speaks only Italian, always greets me with a smile and points out her suggestions. When I tell her it’s a gift , “un regalo”, she adds an extra touch that elevates the simplest plant into something special. My surprise is always the price. Here’s my E3,30 purchase this week.
Un bellissimo regalo!