I have a Panda!

I am the proud owner of a new white Panda!

No, not this kind of Panda!

A new 2024 Fiat Panda! Pandas are the most ubiquitous car on Italy’s roads!

Today was the day I picked up my new car. Yay! The Panda has a manual 6 speed transmission and is a dream to drive. It is advertised as accomodating 4 people and one suitacse! I checked out the trunk and think it can definitely hold one large suitcase or maybe 2 carryons!

Vanni, mechanic and owner of a reputable garage in Greve, is leasing the car to me and providing full insurance. Completing this lease has been a month long, team effort! It was an Italian business transaction equivalent to one of the relay races I ran on the high school track team.

Pam was the starter- she spoke with Vanni (who leases her the car she and Chris drive) and introduced my interest in a car. I stepped in on a joint visit with Pam for a formal introduction that Pam facilitated thanks to her superior Italian skills. Then Lorella picked up the baton to drive home the final negotions for the deal in her rapid and emphatic Italian. Today I strode over the finish line with a key in hand! Now I look forward to exploring all the places off the beaten track (and off the bus routes) that have been been beyond my reach.

Windows down, wind blowing through my hair, I took off for an inaugural drive on south SR 222. I was delighted that my years of driving a stick shift made handling the clutch, even on some steep hills, feel just like second nature. A whole new view of Panzano from the south was just icing on the cake! I think Panda and I (and my friends who’ll join me!) will have some wonderful times!

Panzano from the south!


Sticker Shock- the good kind!


An International Breakfast