Sticker Shock- the good kind!
Two months into my time in Panzano my hair was getting out of control. I needed a haircut! I walk past a salon every day but was hesitant to just walk in and take a chance that I’d like the result. I know it’s only a haircut, not brain surgery, but still…I thought I’d rather begin with a recommendation.
Of course Lorella had one! “You have to go to Juri in Strada in Chianti'“ she said. “Don’t go here or in Greve- they’ll give you ‘Greve hair’ “ and she motions BIG hair. “And Yuri and Eleanora speak English, too” she assures me. Without an Italian phone number my attempts to call to make an appointment were futile so yesterday I hopped in my lovely little Panda and drove to Strada, about 25 minutes north.
The bus ride to Florence goes through Strada so I knew this ride would be an adventure, lots of hills, narrow roads and sharp turns. I must admit to more than a passing acquaintance with Strada. I spent one very long afternoon here soon after I arrived when I somehow missed the bustop in Greve and got off in Strada the next decent sized town to wait for a bus home…it was a long wait! But I digress. This ride to Strada by Panda was fun. I found Parucchiere MEJ (the initials of the three owners) without a problem, walked in, introduced myself and said ,”Lorella sent me!”
“How’s tomorrow at 11?”
I arrived today at 10:50. Promptly at 11 a young assistant shampooed my hair and directed me to Juri’s chair. I showed Juri a picture of what I wanted and away he went. Snip, snip, snip. In 10 minutes he resurrected my lost style and handed me back to the young assistant for some gel and a blow dry.
At 11:20 she walked me to the desk and I asked, “Quanto costa, per favore?” She taps her calculator and holds it up for me to see.
“E tutto?” I ask incredulously.
I hand her E30! When she returns E5, I say, “Per Lei, grazie mille!”
Now, that’s the good kind of sticker shock!
My E25 haircut after a windblown ride to Florence!